Preparing for the EU Pay Transparency Directive | Download our E-book for free
Preparing for the EU Pay Transparency Directive | Download our E-book for free
Pay equity helps clarify pay structures by identifying drivers of compensation, allowing informed decisions and confident progress.
Meet your pay equity goals with the PayAnalytics software. It is designed to get you up and running with minimal setup—supported by video tutorials and digestible documentation.
Reveal the factors influencing pay, make informed decisions.
Compare different jobs under the principle of “equal pay for work of equal value”.
Examine and enhance diversity, guide DEI efforts effectively within your organization.
Get customized recommendations to close pay gaps, tailored to your needs and budget.
Essential tools for global compliance and customizable reports for leadership.
Help sustain a bias-free workplace by ensuring good compensation decisions.
Refine imported data easily in PayAnalytics with corrections, edits, and additions, ensuring accuracy and visibility.
Build objective compensation structures, compare diverse roles based on organizational value.
Fine-grained access controls, because users have different data access needs.
Are you ready for the EU Directive? We’ve put together an e-book to help you learn about the new requirements.
We've put together a knowledge center to help you navigate all things pay equity, DEI, and workforce analytics. This includes articles, downloadable e-books, podcasts and more.
Explore our how-to guides that give you practical advice on achieving workplace equity. They come in the form of long-form articles and downloadable e-books.
Stay informed on pay equity, transparency, workplace fairness, communication strategies, and current trends.
Stay on top of the changing legal landscape and discover which regulations may apply to you.
Latest pay equity news in only 8 minutes — every other Friday with Margrét & Henrike.
Read about how companies have closed the pay gap with PayAnalytics.
Our newsletter covers topics like pay equity, compensation & benefits, DEI, legislation and software updates.
PayAnalytics announced its acquisition by beqom, a leading total compensation and performance management solution provider.
We believe pay is more than a number. Our software is built on over a decade of R&D by award-winning professors, pay equity experts and engineers.
Join our passionate and highly skilled team. We are pioneers in our field, aiding companies in establishing fair workplaces.
The latest company updates, such as events, client news, press releases and so much more.
Get an overview of our brand, awards, and history. Here you can find downloadable brand assets and photos.
We work with various partners to promote transparency and fairness in pay practices. Explore partnership opportunities.
Meet your pay equity goals with the PayAnalytics software. It is designed to get you up and running with minimal setup—supported by video tutorials and digestible documentation.
Reveal the factors influencing pay, make informed decisions.
Compare different jobs under the principle of “equal pay for work of equal value”.
Examine and enhance diversity, guide DEI efforts effectively within your organization.
Get customized recommendations to close pay gaps, tailored to your needs and budget.
Essential tools for global compliance and customizable reports for leadership.
Help sustain a bias-free workplace by ensuring good compensation decisions.
Refine imported data easily in PayAnalytics with corrections, edits, and additions, ensuring accuracy and visibility.
Build objective compensation structures, compare diverse roles based on organizational value.
Fine-grained access controls, because users have different data access needs.
We've put together a knowledge center to help you navigate all things pay equity, DEI, and workforce analytics. This includes articles, downloadable e-books, podcasts and more.
Explore our how-to guides that give you practical advice on achieving workplace equity. They come in the form of long-form articles and downloadable e-books.
Stay informed on pay equity, transparency, workplace fairness, communication strategies, and current trends.
Stay on top of the changing legal landscape and discover which regulations may apply to you.
Latest pay equity news in only 8 minutes — every other Friday with Margrét & Henrike.
Read about how companies have closed the pay gap with PayAnalytics.
Our newsletter covers topics like pay equity, compensation & benefits, DEI, legislation and software updates.
We believe pay is more than a number. Our software is built on over a decade of R&D by award-winning professors, pay equity experts and engineers.
Join our passionate and highly skilled team. We are pioneers in our field, aiding companies in establishing fair workplaces.
The latest company updates, such as events, client news, press releases and so much more.
Get an overview of our brand, awards, and history. Here you can find downloadable brand assets and photos.
We work with various partners to promote transparency and fairness in pay practices. Explore partnership opportunities.
Here you'll find a comprehensive collection of articles dedicated to advancing workplace equity, pay transparency, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices. From practical advice on navigating pay equity laws in different countries to in-depth analyses of gender pay gap calculations and the benefits of fair pay practices for talent attraction and retention, our resources are designed to support organizations and individuals committed to making meaningful progress towards equality in the workplace.
In this article we offer answers to the most frequently asked questions on Spain's new Equal Pay legislation.
Companies in Spain are now obligated to take action to ensure equal pay for work of equal value. DireACTIVAS, one of our partners in Spain, wrote an article (in Spanish) on the new legislation and the potential impact it will have on equality in Spain. We are happy to assist Spanish companies in fulfilling the requirements of the new legislation - and our solution is of course also in Spanish!
In a recent blog post for PRCA PayAnalytics Co-founder and Chairman Margrét Bjarnadóttir explains in a nutshell how data and analytics are essential to the process of closing pay gaps – and keeping them closed. She explains, among other things, the two types of pay gaps most commonly mentioned in the press and the difference between the two. The blogpost also embeds a video where Margrét amongst others discusses the role of ethics and fairness when closing pay gaps. The discussion was a part of the PRCA Ethics month.
42% of organizations are planning for pay equity adjustments in 2020 according to the recently published @WorldatWork 2019-2020 Salary Budget Survey. Is yours one of them? PayAnalytics can help. Our customers use PayAnalytics to assist them in every step on the way towards a transparent and fair pay structure. Our software solution recommends individual raises to close the gap, quickly detects outliers, gives an overview of the cost to help with the budgeting, and so much more.
Dr. Margret Bjarnadottir (@mvilborg2) from @payanalytics recently wrote a guest feature for @insideBigData about addressing demographic #PayGaps with Data-driven Solutions.
Demographic pay gaps, including the gender pay gap, are the result of more complex factors than just a desire to minimize payroll expenses. They stem from unconscious biases and processes that are better suited to one group compared to another. And, as multiple executives have found out, good intentions and “mindfulness” are not enough to eliminate the gaps.
PayAnalytics co-founders David Anderson and Margrét V. Bjarnadóttir wrote an article together with Cristian Dezso and David Gaddis Ross for Harvard Business Review about closing the gender pay gap.
Gender pay equity has become a big point of contention at many companies. Not only have politicians and other public figures spoken out against the gender pay gap, but there has also been a rising tide of high profile lawsuits targeting major employers, most notably in the U.S., with all the bad publicity and financial liability they entail.
Our newsletter covers topics like pay equity, compensation & benefits, DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) and legislation changes as well as news on our company and software updates.